PROFILE OF L’ABONDANCE : Flowerish nose (violet) – Little red fruits – Peppery finish – A fruity and lively wine
BLEND : Malbec
CULTURE: the vineyard is engaged in organic farming, certified by QUALISUD FR-BIO-16.
VIN DE FRANCE asserted to the Federation VIN MÉTHODE NATURE (Natural wine method).
WINEMAKING: The date of grape harvest is defined according to the tasting of the berries. The work in our cellar with gravity system is modulated according to the quality of harvested grapes, andsupervised from day to day depending on the tasting. We are looking for a moderated extraction so as to limit the tannin structure and to keep a good drinkability. Indigeneous yeasts et no sulfur added. The wine is aged in
sandstone jars for a year in order to give our wine a creamy texture as well as a chalky finish.